External alterations including removal of paint from front and rear elevations reverting back to the natural Ashlar stone and replacement of French double doors from the dining room with a…
Our Response

37 Sydney Buildings forms part of a Grade II early 19th century residential terrace, otherwise known as Sydney Parade, located within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site, looking over the Kennet and Avon Canal to the rear. It follows the typical design of the terrace with a modest, two storey appearance as viewed from the road, rusticated Bath stone ground floor and modest, symmetrical fenestration with six-over-six sash windows. It constitutes a number of painted properties within the Grade II terrace in white or buff/cream, although there are examples where the original stonework is exposed within the wider streetscape setting. 37 Sydney Buildings is of particularly high visibility as viewed from the Kennet and Avon towpath and the Grade II footbridge.

BPT welcomes the opportunity for 37 Sydney Buildings to be returned to its natural Bath stone ashlar appearance, and commends the inclusion of details such as window sills and reveals as part of the proposed paint removal works. The removal of paint from all elevations, including the rear, would restore the whole building to its original, designed appearance and would be beneficial when viewed as part of the setting of the canal. We are supportive of the inclusion of stone repair works within the scheme to ensure the stone is in good condition once the paint layer has been removed.

Application Number: 21/02012/LBA
Application Date: 26/04/2021
Closing Date: 11/06/2021
Address: 37 Sydney Buildings, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support