Internal and external alterations including a replacement conservatory, a roof-light over the staircase and solar panels to the south facing element of the easterly double valley roof.
Our Response

37 Lyncombe Hill is a Grade II late 18th century detached dwelling with mid-19th century alterations situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms the streetscape setting for multiple early to mid-19th century dwellings along Lyncombe Hill. It occupies an elevated position on the slope with expansive views out from the northern gable end of the city centre. Excluding its prominent west elevation, the dwelling is of some limited visibility to the public realm due to the height and expanse of the rubble stone boundary walling, but the crenelated parapet and pitched roofline is visible in wider street views from the south.

The Trust encourages the installation of solar PVs, where this would not compromise historic fabric, the special architectural and historic interest of a listed building, or the character and appearance of the conservation area. It appears that the installation of PVs on the southern roof slope would be concealed from public view and would have a negligible visual impact on a listed building. However, we note that no additional information has been provided regarding their finish or mounting. We maintain that the design and finish proposed should be compliant with Policy SCR2 of the Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan; we continue to strongly recommend the implementation of a matte, non-reflective finish and an installation which would not stand overly proud of the roof slope.

Application Number: 21/00274/LBA
Application Date: 21/01/2021
Closing Date: 19/02/2021
Address: 37 Lyncombe Hill, Lyncombe
Our Submission Status: Comment