External alterations to include blending/cleaning of discoloured areas of Bath stone to the front elevation raised podium, access steps, and paving slabs.
Our Response

29 Sydney Buildings is a Grade II early 19th century detached residential building by John Pinch situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It directly overlooks the Kennet & Avon Canal to the rear, with the upper floors clearly visible from the towpath. The rear elevation is of a symmetrical three bay form, with a later projecting central bay inserted within the original Georgian façade. This has resulted in an increased emphasis on the central bay as the focal viewpoint of the building on both streetside and canalside elevations, within public views. The street remains a mix of unpainted natural stone and painted facades, particularly along the Grade II Sydney Parade, and a number of properties have recently been subjected to paint removal or stone cleaning works.

BPT welcomes the opportunity for the removal of pollution staining and vegetation growth from the podium frontage of 29 Sydney Buildings. We are supportive of sympathetic cleaning works and commend the exclusion of clean sections of stonework from the scheme to avoid overcleaning and potential harm to historic fabric. We feel the proposed works would enhance the special architectural interest of a listed building and enhance its streetscape context.

We note the potential to identify issues with the stonework during cleaning and trust that this will be repaired where appropriate and with the necessary consent.

Application Number: 21/02887/LBA
Application Date: 19/06/2021
Closing Date: 23/07/2021
Address: 29 Sydney Buildings, Bathwick, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support