Internal alterations for the reinstatement of a recently demolished lime plaster ceiling, a decorative cornice to the first floor, south facing rooms.
Our Response

28 Grosvenor Place forms part of a monumental Grade I late 18th century terrace of townhouses situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. It originally formed the initial phase of works around the proposed Vauxhall Gardens, now Kensington Meadows, by John Everleigh, and remains evidentially significant of a speculative Georgian leisure enterprise.

The Trust does not typically comment on proposed internal changes. However, in this instance we query the absence of relevant information submitted as part of this proposal. The reasons for the ceiling’s initial removal have not been provided, and these works do not appear to have had appropriate listed building consent. We are surprised by this, considering the Heritage Statement suggests that, from surviving cornices, the ceiling’s plasterwork would have likely been original, and the demolitions have consequently resulted in irreversible harm to a listed building.

We note that application 19/04011/LBA, now withdrawn, proposed internal alterations for the insertion of steel beams into the ceilings of Rooms 2 and 3 to the south of the building, the same rooms in which the plasterwork ceilings have been demolished. We trust this will be investigated by the relevant officer.

Application Number: 20/03493/LBA
Application Date: 25/09/2020
Closing Date: 29/10/2020
Address: 28 Grosvenor Place, Lambridge
Our Submission Status: Comment