17 Devonshire Buildings, Bear Flat, Bath

Internal and external alterations to include use of the converted attached lean-to as a holiday let and minor changes to the internal layout and rooflights approved as part of application…
Our Response

17 Devonshire Buildings is a Grade II listed late 18th century terraced dwelling situated in the Bear Flat character area of the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. It forms part of the shared grouped setting of a number of Grade II terraced dwellings at Devonshire Buildings. The terrace is made up of a mix of late 18th century and very early 19th century additions in a mix of architectural forms and building heights, resulting in a more varied appearance along the terrace in comparison with the more formalised terraced articulation of the urban city centre. Whilst noting this aesthetic diversity, the principal northern elevation does retain a more regularised, formal layout in its more balanced form and use of Bath ashlar stone, set back within generous garden plots with stone boundary walls and decorative gate piers. Unusually, the rear elevation retains a strong streetscape presence due to sitting directly along the roadside, likely following the route of the historic rear service access, now a residential street with access onto Devonshire Mews.

We do have some concerns regarding the proposed increase in residential development of a listed building and the proposed subdivision of use/residential activity, with potential for wider impact on the character of the listed terrace. We emphasise that should the proposed use as a holiday let be considered appropriate, this use should remain connected with, and ancillary to, the primary residence at 17 Devonshire Buildings. We do not consider that use as a short term, temporary form of holiday-style accommodation would legitimise the future use of this building as an independent dwelling, and suggest that this should be conditioned as part of a possible granting of consent.

Application Number: 21/05379/LBA
Application Date: 02/12/2021
Closing Date: 09/01/2022
Address: 17 Devonshire Buildings, Bear Flat, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment