Repairs and cleaning of stone work, repairs to roof and gutters, and replacement rooflight.
Our Response

16 Charlotte Street forms part of a Grade II Victorian residential terrace situated in the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. It additionally forms part of the contextual setting for the Grade II* Elim Pentecostal Church. 16 Charlotte Street contributes to the group value of the terrace due to its uniformity of scale and regularity of appearance, and it remains an aesthetically and functionally significant road that connects the A4 with Queen Square.

The Trust is supportive of the proposed external works to the property. We encourage the replacement of impermeable, harsh materials such as concrete with breathable replacements that will improve the material health and longevity of a listed building. The proposed repairs will improve the appearance of 16 Charlotte Street, and consequently enhance the setting of the rest of the terrace.

We additionally feel that this application offers a positive, missed opportunity for the inclusion of cleaning works, particularly to the road-facing bay and parapet to remove soiling and water stains. Considering the proposed removal of paint to the lower ground floor, we feel that some focused cleaning works could be suitably included, and further enhance the appearance of a listed building.

Application Number: 20/00955/LBA
Application Date: 09/03/2020
Closing Date: 09/04/2020
Address: 16 Charlotte Street, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Support