Proposed new shop fronts, stone cleaning, dormer repairs and ancillary work.
Our Response Whilst we entirely support the refurbishment and conservation works to this listed building, we question the justification for the removal of the Edwardian shop fronts and the rationale for replacing them with a multi-pane shop window approach. There is no detail in the Design & Access statement about this or their condition or the potential impact of their removal and replacement with a different design; it would help to understand this element of the scheme to inform the planning judgement. It appears from the images of the pre 1912 shop frontages that the proposed new frontages largely follow this design, and if this is the case, we would recommend that the symmetry and detail of the late 19th century frontages are faithfully copied, this would include a doorway on the right of the right shopfront, and Bath stone stall risers on each side rising to a matching height.
Application Number: 19/00019/FUL
Application Date: 03/01/2019
Closing Date: 14/03/2019
Address: 14 Kingsmead Square, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Comment