External alterations to include replacement access gates.
Our Response

12 Guinea Lane is a Grade II early 19th century end of terrace house situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site, adjacent to the Grade II Hedgemead Park. The building’s rear façade is a particularly prominent aspect of the Guinea Lane streetscape which contributes towards an interesting blend of backland character with the more formalised design of the principal façade. Its visual prominence is further emphasised by the sharp west-east sloped position of the street scene, looking down towards the Paragon. The stepped garden wall adjoining the principal southern elevation is also designated Grade II due to its physical, historical, and material relationship with the adjoining building, and it positively contributes to the boundary vernacular of the conservation area.

BPT notes that the photos provided in the D&A/Heritage Statement of the internal elevation of the existing gate show that the internal flagged ground level follows the same west-east slope of the road. However, the Proposed Street Elevation indicates that the proposed electronic gates and the ‘track’ on which they would run appears to sit level behind the boundary wall. We therefore query whether any ground works are required for the proposal, which could necessitate the removal or relaying of what appear to be historic flagstones within the courtyard. We therefore strongly recommend that further information is supplied regarding proposed means of instalment and potential associated material alterations required.

Application Number: 21/02848/LBA
Application Date: 17/06/2021
Closing Date: 22/07/2021
Address: 12 Guinea Lane, City Centre, Bath
Our Submission Status: Comment