Demolition of collapsing modern timber frame conservatory and construction of replacement structure to create garden room, along with realigning landscape walling.
Our Response

12 Guinea Lane is a Grade II late Georgian end terrace house situated in the Bath conservation and World Heritage site, adjacent to the Grade II Hedgemead Park. The building’s rear façade is a particularly prominent aspect of the Guinea Lane streetscape which contributes towards an interesting blend of backland character with intentional, principal façade design.

BPT does not oppose the principle of the replacement of the existing conservatory, although we are somewhat concerned as to its description as “historic” with little further elaboration. We would therefore ask that the age and significance of the conservatory is clarified so that the impact of the proposal can be properly assessed, to thoroughly ensure that there will be no loss of, or harm to, existing historic fabric which constitutes the essential historic significance of the building.

Application Number: 20/01125/LBA
Application Date: 19/03/2020
Closing Date: 05/05/2020
Address: 12 Guinea Lane, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Comment