Erection of single storey rear extension and two storey side extension.
Our Response

11 Combe Park is an unlisted late 19th semi-detached dwelling situated opposite the RUH within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage Site. The streetscape is architecturally contemporary with regards to its scale and age of development, although it remains visually heterogeneous in design, articulation, and use of materials. Whilst Bath stone ashlar is a principle building material, there are some unusual insertions that utilise red brick with Bath stone quoining.

We acknowledge a precedent for side extensions of a modest scale and design within the area. However, the use of render on principle street-facing elevations is highly unusual and does not feature in any of the case studies provided as part of this application. We remain opposed in-principle to the use of render on prominent or principle street-facing elevations within the conservation area, which would have a sharp, bright, and highly visible appearance within the natural Bath stone context of Combe Park. Considering the two storey scale of the proposed extension, the visual impact of a rendered finish would be a significant aesthetic addition to 11 Combe Park that would be of detriment to the dwelling’s high quality façade.

We maintain that should the principle of a two storey extension be found acceptable by the LPA, principle elevations should be articulated in natural Bath stone to appropriately complement the high quality streetscape of Combe Park, and conserve and enhance the appearance and character of the conservation area.

Application Number: 20/04149/FUL
Application Date: 05/11/2020
Closing Date: 10/12/2020
Address: 11 Combe Park, Lower Weston, Bath
Our Submission Status: