Internal alterations to existing flat and installation of new windows and doors to existing openings.
Our Response

11 Alfred Street forms part of a Grade II Georgian terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site, just east of the Grade I The Circus. This application is associated with the lower ground floor flat, which was previously in residential use and has now fallen into disrepair.

We note that this application is the same as application 13/00285/LBA, which was previously consented, the listed building consent for which has now expired.

BPT is supportive of the proposal to bring a disused flat back into residential use, providing much-needed accommodation within the city centre whilst ensuring the repair and ongoing, sustainable use of a listed building.

The Trust does not comment on the proposed internal changes, although we do note that there is no specified intended use for the proposed mezzanine, and we would question the reason for its inclusion within the scheme.

We are pleased to see the installation of a six-over-six sash window and a door of an equivalent style in the rear south elevation of the building which will complement the existing window fenestration style. We would, however, question the inclusion of what appears to be a porthole-style window, which does not have an existing precedent on the terrace and would be of an incongruous design.

The application states that windows W1 and W2 on the north elevation will be overhauled, but will remain as existing in design. We feel that this is a missed opportunity to reinstate two six-over-six sash windows in the Georgian style to partially reinstate a traditional fenestration feature to the façade of a listed building.

Application Number: 20/01236/LBA
Application Date: 30/03/2020
Closing Date: 15/05/2020
Address: 11 Alfred Street, City Centre
Our Submission Status: Comment