Internal and external alterations for replacement of existing garden wall and refitting existing bathroom with additional shower.
Our Response

1 Worcester Villas forms part of a Grade II early to mid-19th century artisanal terrace situated within the Bath conservation area and World Heritage site. The terrace shares a modest, two storey coursed Bath stone frontage with sash windows and a pitched roof with overhanging eaves. The existing boundary treatment is of a traditional style in natural materials, with low stone walls with fixed wrought iron railings (with some variation in age and mounting methods present), and stone gate piers, whereas 1 Worcester Villas utilises concrete blockwork.

The Trust is supportive of the proposed replacement of the existing wall with a design and materials more in-keeping with the existing boundary treatment of the listed terrace. We feel that the proposed design would reinstate the uniformity of the terrace’s appearance and shared character. We acknowledge that the proposed railings would follow the later design precedent set at 2 Worcester Villas utilising a wrought iron panel.

Application Number: 20/03315/LBA
Application Date: 15/09/2020
Closing Date: 15/10/2020
Address: 1 Worcester Villas, Larkhall, Bath
Our Submission Status: Support