Erection of 2no. detached dwellings following demolition of existing dwelling (Outline planning application with all matters except access reserved).
Our Response

Object: The Trust does not object to the principle of redeveloping this site but we object to these proposals on the basis that they look to overdevelop the plot and in particular they will harmfully impact on the established streetscene and character of this part of the conservation area.
The two dwellings appear squeezed on to the plot in a way that lacks creativity and an understanding of local character. However our main concern is the loss of much of the historic wall and the proposal to create a car park in the front area. This is entirely unacceptable and will have a harmful impact on the streetscape. The Avenue is characterised by long stretches of historic wall punctuated by drive ways, green trees and glimpses of gardens and front doors. At no point is the wall lost to a long row of parked cars with their rears facing the road. Such an arrangement would create a hard urban edge to this attractive village road which would neither enrich local character nor contribute positively to local distinctiveness. Any car parking should be re-thought to ensure that most of the wall remains (a drive way access is acceptable) and that cars are not parked in such a location as to dominate the street scene and public realm.
The proposed scheme, by virtue of siting of car parking, loss of historic wall and overdevelopment of the plot would neither conserve nor enhance the character of the conservation area or retain a feature of local distinctiveness. The scheme would be contrary to the Section 12 (Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment) of the NPPF, policies B1, B4, and CP6 of the B&NES Core Strategy. It is also contrary to policies CP6, D.1, D.2, D4, HE1, D7 of the Placemaking Plan. We would therefore recommend the application be withdrawn or refused.

Application Number: 18/02204/OUT
Application Date: 09/07/2018
Closing Date: 09/07/2018
Address: Baroda The Avenue Combe Down
Our Submission Status: