Conversion of social club into four no. new apartments. Works include partial demolition of non-original Home Extension to provide light well to ground and basement levels and paint removal from…
Our Response

The Trust objects to this application on the basis that it is deficient and lacking in appropriate detail proportionate to the significance of the building. The NPPF is clear that for any works to a listed building there should be an assessment of the significance and special interest of the building, a break down assessment of the impact of any harm to the building and its fabric and justification provided for any harm. These details should be proportionate to the level of designation of the building (Grade II). None of these have been provided in the short Design & Access statement. For this reason we object to the application in it is not compliant with both national planning policy (NPPF section 16, paras 189, 190, 197) and best practice.

Turning to the building proposals, we have two comments; the applicant makes much of the conservation gains they are making to the building. If this is so, we would recommend that the applicant consider reinstating 6/6 multi-pane sash windows to the front elevation to match those in situ on the 2nd floor and elsewhere in the terrace.
Furthermore, whilst we do not usually comment on internal alterations, the proposed awkward subdivision of the principle basement room is unacceptable and should be removed from the application. The harm caused to the plan form and the special interest of the listed building is not outweighed by any benefit beyond an extra bedroom and is overdevelopment of the listed building.

Application Number: 18/03176/FUL
Application Date: 17/07/2018
Closing Date: 14/09/2018
Address: 24 Green Park Mews, Kingsmead, Bath
Our Submission Status: Object